Calling ALL Seniors - CLASS OF 2011

This is a project that we have been brainstorming for a while now - and it's time to roll it out to Facebook, the blog and the world - because in the end - I need your help.

This summer and into the fall - we really want to be focused on Senior Photography as well as Wedding photography. The wedding photography we have covered (very few spots remaining by the way) - what we need help with is finding Seniors who are looking for two very creative photographers to photograph their yearbook photos at a reasonable price - (that would be US).

Since I no longer look like a high school student - I am looking for some help!

This is the Ryan J Moore Photography High School Senior Ambassador Program. Some of you may be familiar with this type of program, I know many studios use it across the country and I think its time that we try it here.

Essentially, I am looking for one more Senior - class of 2011 - so a Junior now who is interested in a FREE portrait session. Yes FREE. What we will do is have a photo session early in the year - 4-5 weeks before school ends, then your prints will come back, we'll set you up with some rep cards and it will be your job to get recruits to book their session with us! There are added benefits to being our rep - For every card we get back that ends in a successful booking you will receive a percentage off your print package - so depending on how many referrals you get, you may have a free sitting and a free print package. Oh yah - one more thing too, we will add an additional sitting. So you get the benefit of being the first one to have your senior portrait session - then you can check out all the other session that we do, and pick the best poses and props from those for your session. You get the best of both worlds.

I already have one person set up for this project. I have a young lady who is graduating from Old Town High School next spring. For the next candidate I would really like a MALE. In the end, we will pick the candidate that we feel will represent our company male or female, but where we have a female already, we would prefer to have a male.

We are also going to limit the area that we service for this project - so if you know someone who is Class of 2011 in either Bucksport, Ellsworth, Blue Hill, Belfast, Orono, Brewer or the Bangor High schools please send us an e-mail at with you name and why you are interested in being an Ambassador of our company.

There are many more details to this great program - we really want it to be a success. Please start thinking about who would be the best fit for this program.

As always please contact us with any questions or for more information!
And since I can't have a blog without a picture - Here is one of our former Seniors!


Getting Back to My Roots - Old Town High School JV Basketball

I finally had the opportunity to get back on the court the other day.
Not to play, but to shoot.
I started out wayyyyyy back as a sports photographer and I still love to get the opportunity to get back out there and photograph some High School Sports.
This was a game between Old Town and John Bapst. It was also great to be back in the Auditorium to cover a basketball game. I use to love tournament week back in the day!

For anyone who would like to see the complete album, I have it posted on the facebook fan page. Please feel free to tag people you know.
Also - If anyone is offended or does not want their photo on this blog or the fan page - PLEASE contact me right away and I would be happy to take them down with a full apology.
Be a fan and let me know if you would like a game covered!


Studio - Before and After!!

We finally did it!! It's here.
We now have a great, consistent place to offer some studio photography - right in our own home. And I am happy to share with you the transformation!
Please be warned - the before pictures are not pretty, and no, we do not live like this. The spare room was used as a dumping ground for all things that did not have a home before.

We repainted the walls and organized the room --- i.e removed all the things that don't belong in that room!! And Ta-DAH - the after:

We changed the paint color - while we liked the blue, it always caused the pictures we took in there to have a blueish cast to them. We also changed the curtains - I didn't leave the ones we had up before because I really didn't like them, and they just added to the blueish cast that everything had - not pretty.
I have moved some of the newer canvas prints up to the studio as well - to add inspiration to the place. I plan on adding some more pictures as well - I am also thinking of either adding some quotations to the walls, as well as painting our logo on one of the walls too.
Maybe even a Giant R too! The possibilities are endless.
In the next couple of days --- maybe even today, I have got to get the studio pricing up. Basically its going to consist of a sitting fee and then some other options. I am thinking sort of a point system so you can customize your own packages so you either get the prints you want or the digital negative to create your own prints.
Also, I am still offering the portable studio package - this is where I pack everything up and bring it to you - background and all. I plan on expanding my background colors too in the future.
Finally, there are a few limitations to the new studio - I am limited with space - so this studio setting isn't going to work for large family pictures. I can probably get a decent sized family to all fit, but it would only be for head and shoulder shots. This setting is perfect for children, newborns, maternity sessions, senior portraits (indoor headshots - perfect for the yearbook), pets, and smaller family sessions (2-3 people)
More to come on pricing!!
Contact us soon to set up your session.
Also - I am starting to look for more studio props - right now I am on the hunt for a wooden rocking horse, and a small wooden rocking chair - any ideas where I can get those?

Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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