We have only lived in this house for not even two years....and I have already painted two rooms....twice. And now I am looking to re-paint a third room.....again.
Brandi usually rolls her eyes at the thought of me re-painting because well....painting sucks! But for some reason I get the desire to change colors often.
So the room we are looking to re-paint is the office. This is going to be a space where we meet with clients, we have big canvas wedding prints displayed here, we have the computer and not much else. My goal is to eventually get a great table to put in the corner where we can have clients sit around with us and talk about their wedding plans. That's my dream.
I have been looking for a Deep rich color - warm and inviting and something that will make the pictures pop. I wanted a hot chocolate color, so I got a lot of chocolate named swatches and on a whim I grabbed the color below too....

I love it! Its warm, and rich and redish which matches the area rug we have in here and blends nicely with the next room color which is called Copper Hide - its a warm copperey leathery orangey brown. Love it. So we needed something to go with it nicely and I think Wine Barrel is the perfect companion.
Brandi doesn't like it.
This is what Brandi Picked:

Cornbread. Yellow. Blah.
Plus we already have a yellow room. We don't have a rich winey red room. Perfect for sharing a great glass of wine with two great potential clients while we talk over plans for their amazing wedding while the warm aroma of the Yankee Candle we sitting on the desk smelling great (scent to be determined soon!)
Ok - so you know my pick, and Brandi will probably post a blog soon selling her YELLOW (blah) color and why she doesn't like my yummy warm redish winey brown color.
SO - this is the part where I ask you to choose your favorite color of the two.
(Pick the Wine Barrel)