Eryn-Senior Model 2011

Boy... we had a blast today... Sundays are generally our low key days. I am talking sip coffee in the morning, stay in our pjs until 12pm, make brunch all that jazz but today we gulped coffee, got dressed by 8am and ROCKED the new studio with our senior representative Miss. Eryn. I shouldnt make it sound like we rocked the studio because it was definitely ALL Eryn. We are so excited to have Eryn as our senior representative this year.

Here is your first sneak peek of all of the good things to come from Eryn.

Please contact us to book your senior session soon!


UPDATED The debate continues....

Ok, as requested - photos of the room to be painted.
Remember - we are choosing between my wonderful wine barrel reddish orange
and Brandi's cornbread - which she thinks is equally awesome.
Now - first off don't mind my messy desk, paint chips in the chair, and my horrible blue desk chair - and the ugly light fixture.
BUT please check out, the awesome windows (there is another whole wall of windows that can't be seen) my yummy wood floors, oh my AWESOME painting lights (Been looking forever for them)
As you can see, the rug is already wine barrel red. Not like cornbread yellow.

Hope this helps in the vote for wine barrel.

or cornbread.


Final Fun in the South Part III

Here is the final installment of our trip to Florida. Oh how I miss Florida.

The last weekend we were there we took a trip north to the oldest city in America (I think) St. Augustine! What an awesome little city.

The first stop - a wine shop. Brandi had herself a little tasting.

And here she is on the mean streets of St. Augustine. Love this little city!

Brandi got a hold of the camera and caught me reading the map. I don't know how I ended up being the navigator!

We hit the Catholic church in town. Now Brandi and I have been in a lot of churches - this one was beautiful! Anyone in St. Augustine want to get married in this church and fly us down as the photographers drop us and e-mail - we'll be there!

Look at the lighting, the beams the alter - LOVE IT. I just sat there in awe.

The outside is nothing to sneeze at either.

She's going to kill me for posting this - but we couldn't not get a picture of our hosts for the week - My Aunt and Uncle. Love them! Brandi was behind the camera so no picture with her :( Next time we need to bring our own photographer.

Yah it was raining a bit that day - that's why I look balder then usual and my Aunt had to search for a hat.

Check out the streets of St. Augustine. It was great to walk the streets that who knows how many people have walked along during the years. What a sight!

A little patriotism.

Holy Smokes - this was the MOST comfortable chair. I should of bought one. It even has a beer holder! HELLO - LOVE IT!
A little gelato. My babe likes the fruity gelato -- she is clearly an amature when it comes to ice cream products --- you always go for the chocolate.
On our way out of town back to the condo we stopped at the St. Augustine lighthouse. Love these trees around the lighthouse. Beautiful.

And finally the lighthouse.

Again, I have said it in every single blog. I love Florida. So many memories have been had and so many more are yet to be had.


The dispute continues............

We have only lived in this house for not even two years....and I have already painted two rooms....twice. And now I am looking to re-paint a third room.....again.

Brandi usually rolls her eyes at the thought of me re-painting because well....painting sucks! But for some reason I get the desire to change colors often.

So the room we are looking to re-paint is the office. This is going to be a space where we meet with clients, we have big canvas wedding prints displayed here, we have the computer and not much else. My goal is to eventually get a great table to put in the corner where we can have clients sit around with us and talk about their wedding plans. That's my dream.

I have been looking for a Deep rich color - warm and inviting and something that will make the pictures pop. I wanted a hot chocolate color, so I got a lot of chocolate named swatches and on a whim I grabbed the color below too....


I love it! Its warm, and rich and redish which matches the area rug we have in here and blends nicely with the next room color which is called Copper Hide - its a warm copperey leathery orangey brown. Love it. So we needed something to go with it nicely and I think Wine Barrel is the perfect companion.

Brandi doesn't like it.

This is what Brandi Picked:

Cornbread. Yellow. Blah.

Plus we already have a yellow room. We don't have a rich winey red room. Perfect for sharing a great glass of wine with two great potential clients while we talk over plans for their amazing wedding while the warm aroma of the Yankee Candle we sitting on the desk smelling great (scent to be determined soon!)

Ok - so you know my pick, and Brandi will probably post a blog soon selling her YELLOW (blah) color and why she doesn't like my yummy warm redish winey brown color.

SO - this is the part where I ask you to choose your favorite color of the two.

(Pick the Wine Barrel)


Another Reason Why...

Before you begin reading - turn up the volume on your speakers as high as they will go, and press play.

When I am driving around in my truck I usually plug in the Ipod and turn up the volume as loud as I can stand it, and Sing ----- quite badly ---- at the top of my lungs to whatever crazy song comes on the radio.
Last night, driving home from Augusta where Brandi and I had a family dinner with her family, I had Brandi drive home. Brandi never drives. This was a rare occasion for me to just be a passenger. So rather then sleeping --- which Brandi would do, I grabbed the Ipod and searched for songs that were good singing songs. I cranked the radio and Brandi and I belted out all the songs we hit. There was a smile on her face when she got the song that started in just the first few bars, and right on queue, when the artist starting did we.
I love that we are comfortable enough to sing badly together, dance badly together and just laugh loudly together.
That's what we did on that ride home on Rt. 3 from Augusta to Bucksport.
It's just one more reason why I love her.
So I hope you are singing now, with the speakers cranked waiting for your significant other to come up behind you and wonder what you are doing!
Happy Sunday!


Life in perspective...things to be grateful for

So, you may or may not know but we are Facebook addicts... not just check it a couple of times a day but check it about 25 times a day, check it on our phones, check it on our ipods... down right Facebook addicts to the point we need the 12 step program to help. (I know we have some issues we need to work through) At this point you are probably wondering the moral of the story. Today, I was gently reminded by one of our mutual Facebook friends that there are simple things to be grateful for that I often take for granted. You are probably wondering, what was this friend so grateful for? Her husband, simple as that. He cleared an area in back of their house so that she can do more gardening (one of her passions). As a society we often get so wrapped up in our day to day lives that we don't pay tribute to the people, places and items in our life that make our life special. Here are five of the people, places and things that I am grateful for today.

Ryan John (I have seen this face a thousand times, it's the "oh my goodness, what have I gotten myself into by wanting to marry this woman?")

Jonah (seriously a face any dog mom would love)

My home (I know Christmas lights! and yes the picture was taken at Christmas but it is one of our favorite times of the year)

My little Chevy Malibu

and finally cheese ravioli with sauce (pretty much a staple in this house)

I know these are pretty basic things but sometimes we just need a simple reminder that the little things in life are often the items most overlooked... so I challenge you to post the five things that you are grateful for.

Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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