First Look: School's out for SUMMER - Engagement Session: Whitney & Marbin

We have another first look coming your way today!
I love the University of Maine.
My Alma Mata
Brandi's Alma Mata
And also that of another great couple Marbin & Whitney
They rocked out with us all afternoon on campus - LOVE THEM!

More to come!!

On a side note - Brandi and I will be out of the office starting Saturday afternoon.  We have a jam packed couple of days with an awesome wedding and great senior session, then we are taking off to the great north woods (AKA my parents house) for a little bit of a break.  Have no fear - you can always e-mail us if you need anything and we can get right back to you!


First Look - The University of Maine Never Looked this good: Rob & Hannah

I really needed to share a little first look with everyone tonight.

Actually wait - shield your eyes.
This might be wayyyyy to hot.

But WHAT a great time we had on Sunday with this AMAZING couple.
The wedding is only in a few weeks.
So it should give you time to recover.

Ok - I am also giving you FULL disclosure here.
Hannah - little smarty - going to Med School soon.
That's right.
Dr. Hannah.

Be prepared for some cheesy cliche's from Gray's Anatomy.
Yah, click on the link.
There will be a lot of that.



Wedding Update & Inspiration

Lately, I have been addicted to blogging!

I wake up in the morning and think.... hmmm what can I blog about today.

Sometimes (like yesterday) a Facebook post is enough to inspire a blog.

Today's blog is inspired by our wedding.

Brandi hit another big milestone yesterday ----

The dress....


Has been purchased - as well as I guess a sassy pair of shoes.

I have no idea what the dress looks like - we are being very traditional. I think it's killing Brandi more than it is killing me. She came home last night after a full day of dresses and shopping and had almost nothing to say because all she wanted to do was tell me about the dress. But I want to be surprised on June 11th next year.

Anyway --- I am picturing that mystery dress --- doing our dance THE PASO DOBLE!!

Yup. I'm trying to talk her into it.

We became obsessed with Dancing with the Stars this year... And I became obsessed with this dance.

I am trying to wear her down.

But we gotta hurry up and start practicing.

I have been making progress on my part of the dance. Been at it a week now, and I have almost gotten into the tight pants!!

Check it out! Let me know what you think. E-mail Brandi - Facebook her - Tell her you want us to do the Paso!! COME ON!!!


Stuff That Makes Us Happy - Pens & Paper & Lists OH MY!

I have been rattling around in my head some ideas for general, non photo specific blog posts that we can share with everyone.
Well I have finally worked through all the details in my head, and we just want to share with you the things that make us happy!
Yah know - the raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens kind of things.
Hopefully we can get one or two posts a month up like this!!
Another reason that I wanted to share this is to show you the things we really like together.  If you just look at the he and she page we have a lot of opposite tastes, but there are many things that we just Love love love!

Who can resist a Sharpie?
I know I can't.  In fact I went to Staples yesterday to get some organizational "things" and came out with Sharpies.  They were a deal, what can I say?
So now they are proudly displayed in the new pen cup that I bought at Staples to help me get organized!
I love 'um.  The fine point, the smell, the bright colors.
They write on anything - anywhere.
I might start signing my checks in Sharpies!!

But alas - you must have something to write on with a Sharpie.
Yup - what better medium then a POST IT!
Even better, a traditional yellow post it.
Another Staples deal yesterday that I could not live without!
Now they are conveniently displayed in the new Post It corral that I purchased to help me get organized!

And finally.
I am ashamed to admit it almost - you must combine the Sharpie and the Post it to make that PERFECT to-do list.
I have to admit, I was NOT a list person - like ever.
Then along comes Brandi.  The list Maker.
She converted me.

So this morning, I sat down at my newly organized desk and made not one, but two lists using my yellow Post Its and my teal Sharpie.
Could anything be more perfect?
So now I have a personal to do list and a photography to do list.
Time to get crackin I say.

Two more things.
Please do not judge my mis-spellings on the Post Its.
And --- Did you know ---
that you actually retain more information if you write it on a yellow sheet of paper.
That's why all my Post its are yellow.

Happy Saturday Everyone!


Let's see how many memories we jog with this...

I am reading a book - The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell - and we are at the point where he is talking about the "stickiness" of an idea.

The thought is that just some ideas "Stick" with you more than others.  And you are more likely to remember or tell a friend about this idea.

Now if you know me at all, you KNOW I do not like anything sticky.
We are talking Mr. Germ-ex here.
But he uses the example of Sesame Street vs. Blues Clues.

He says that according to testing, that Blue's Clues are more "sticky"
I say Sesame Street.

I am sure the debate can go on for years.  One may never know which is more "sticky".
What do you think?

While you are thinking - I thought it was appropriate to share with everyone MY favorite Sesame Street clip.
I have not seen an episode of Sesame Street for maybe 22 or 23 years and I remember this clip...and Song.
And sometimes I can't get it out of my head.

Press play.

Now try to get it out of your head.

What was your favorite Sesame Street Clip?


Fun Family Returns - Bucksport Studio

You may remember them from last year, we did a great photo shoot on the Belfast Waterfront and footbridge
Check back HERE if you have forgotten!
We love it when families come back year after year to capture the change in photos...

Plus we got to use the studio this year which always makes us smile!

Yup - they are all growing up!

What a beautiful smile on K
You'll remember from the first look that the youngest Little Miss Lily was not into pictures today.  So we had to take a few without her!
But, with some well placed bribes and every potato head part that we owned, we were able to get some shots of her!
Who would of thought those would be a good bribe!
We were able to finally get some group shots.  Pretty much Brandi and I were shooting every time Lily made a decent face...
Or whenever she was happy!
We even had to use Mom as a prop most of the time.
But yah know what, we made it work!

After more bribes, we were able to get her on her own for a few shots!
What a cutie pie!
Again, such a great family.
We love watching them grow and change over the year.
Can't wait to see what next year brings!!


First Look: A Wedding from Back Where I Come From - Chris & Cori

This weekend Brandi and I traveled to the homelands..
My homelands.

I really like going back home, everything is so familiar there, all the family is there, its just home.
This trip was not about home though...this was about a wedding.

Everything about the day with beautiful
Beautiful day, Beautiful Church, Beautiful Service, Beautiful Couple.

Love this shot.
The bridesmaids and her dad ushering Cori into the Church before the ceremony.

So much more to come on this wedding!
Keep checking back!


What a start to the Wedding Season - Megan & Gary: My Favorite Parts

Oh how bittersweet.
We are wrapping up Megan & Gary's wedding.
I love the next set of shots.
I love spending the time RIGHT after the wedding with the couple.
It is simply awesome - there is no other way to describe it.
You just got married to the love of your life.  The emotion, the sparks, the love in the couple's eyes is just amazing.
It's better than amazing, but I am having a problem putting it into words.

Start the shoot off with a little pink sass.
Yes, that's right.
It's always going to happen.
The groom always ends up with the bride's bouquet at some point during the shoot.
It happens gentlemen - accept it.
It's slightly better than a purse.
More laughing.
Think back movie buffs - Adam Sandler movie - I know pronounce you Chuck and Larry.
The wedding ceremony in Canada.
The Rings.
They form a circle.
Not a Square.
or a Triangle.
A circle.
Yes, they are each making the circle.
Smile - yes please.
Don't stop.
Oh Megan.
You make me want to sing again.
Check out that dress.
What designer do you think designed it?
Top American Designer Michael Kors of TV's Project Runway?
Pinina Tornai of Kleinfelds?
That's right.
Her mom MADE HER DRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my big secret.
And honestly, it makes my heart flutter a little bit when I think about it.
What an heirloom
What an honor
(oh yah, the MOB dress, made by mom.  The dress that Megan's niece wore - made by mom)
Hello - would you like to make my wedding suit?
And, we had the catch the wind in her veil.
You are awesome!

And you are an awesome couple.
Look - that rock looks like a goat.
or a sheep.
We had some extra flowers to use.
So Cami threw caution to the wind....and the flowers too.

Let the party begin.
The Dances - they ALWAYS make me cry.

So, we cut the cake
We laughed about cutting the cake.
And I didn't think the cake would be smashed...
I was wrong.
Oh so wrong.
All the single ladies.
I just love this shot.
Here fishy fishy --- come to momma!
And we ended the night with a dip.
What a classic way to end the night.

Megan & Gary
Brandi & I can not thank you enough for letting us get to know you.
You are wonderful.
You rock our socks.
We wish you the BEST of luck with everything to come!
Next time you are back in the state...
Look us up for a cup of coffee!


What a start to the Wedding Season - Megan & Gary: The "I do's" & Before

Now that you have seen the details -
Time to get to the -- I started to type "good stuff" ---- but this whole wedding is full of good stuff...
So - let's just get on with the show - or ceremony that is.

I usually try to steal the groom away from the pre-wedding stuff - getting the guest seated etc and we do a little photo session before hand.
Hello Gary - you are looking mighty fine today!

I had to pull some favors to get the rest of the groomsmen away from seating the guests.
Ok, I didn't pull any favors.
I just made the best man go get the rest :)
And while I am on the back lawn with the handsome gentlemen... Brandi is up in the Bridal Room taking these STUNNING shots of Megan.

Did I mention STUNNING?!?!?!!?!?!
Cause she IS!
We couldn't stop her laughing.
Ok, we didn't try.
But why would we?
Love HER!
Story time. 
Gotta love this shot. 
And, this is a girl after my own heart - I have a strong affection to Chapstick(the black tube of Chapstickto be exact) - Megan did not want to go down the isle without a little lip gloss.
What bride would NOT want their gloss handy?
Well..... not many wedding dresses have pockets.
So, she went searching for places to hide the lip gloss.
In the end, her bridal party talked her out of storing the gloss there.
Made us all laugh though.  There are just so many great moments.  I love it when Brandi and I can burst out laughing with our couple!
Excuse me!
You there with the sassy pink shoes.
That's right.
You have STYLE.
Megan strapped on those pink shoes and looked FIERCE marching them down the isle with her dad.
That's right - the first look at Gary.

And another simply AMAZING shot by Miss Brandi herself.
Along with the humor that we have with Megan and Gary - it would only be fitting to have an equally humorous minister.  I love a ceremony with not only a lot of emotion, but a good light hearted time!
And Mr. & Mrs.
What a pair!
Love them!

Oh wait----- you want to see more?
There is a lot more.
But not now.
Maybe Tomorrow - and maybe then I will even tell you the secret that I have been keeping...

Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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