Cutie Shootie: Studio

This is a two fold blog post.
First - I wanted to share with everyone the fantastic opportunity I had to photograph such a cutie! This little munchkin has a photographer mom - you have heard me mention her before - Kari J Cross Photography.
I am not blessed with any willing posers....except the dog - so I recruited this little one to do some poses for me.

Love that little smile - again, what a cutie!

And now we are being sassy in the Christmas dress. LOVE IT!

Be still my heart.

And we have more sass! How can you resist it?

We haven't seen the pink umbrella for a while, so I dug it back out. I know pink and red, more Valentine's day and less Christmas....but it's what I had to work with!

Even Minnie came!

Ok, so I told you this was a two fold blog - my second part is to let everyone know that the studio is open. I can offer you studio photography. I have a space in my own office/home/space. Its large enough to accommodate 1-2 children, and have full body shots. We can do family shots as well, but it will be mostly head and shoulder. Another option that I have is we can bring the studio to you. All of our backgrounds and lighting are 100% portable. That's why I bought them. Which means I can bring everything to you!
Help me fill up my Studio!
I am working on special pricing and promotions for the Studio. Check back often.

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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