Day 45 -------------------------------------- trip to the farm

Day 45 - here is the last post before we go on vacation. I will of course be taking pictures the whole time I am up north, no worries! But for today's picture we took a side trip on the way to Brandi's parents today and went to a farm where there were COWS, Brandi knows what kind of cows these are, but I have no idea, a cow is a cow. Anyway they wanted to come right up to the truck and climb in with us. These three came right up and stood in an almost perfect formation that I had to make that today's picture. I am also still trying out my new logo!! Let me know what you think.
Side note: We went to Mr. Paperback, a local bookstore today, and I always go to the photography section (of course) I found a book today that really intrigued me. It was all pictures of people's tattoos. I have ALWAYS wanted to photograph tattoos. This was just a neat book it had their stories in it about the tattoos then a great picture of the tattoo. I would really like to do something like that, in fact I would really like to photograph tattoos and start a collection or even a separate blog about that. I also wanted to do something along those same lines, but still different, so I was thinking about starting a sock blog. With pictures of great socks. I could start with my own, but I am not sure about that one yet. But I do know about the tattoo. So here is the deal. To all my readers, I want to photograph your tattoo, also tell your friends, anyone with a tattoo of any sort. I will come to you, photograph your tattoo, give you a copy of course and post it in my tattoo blog. If this interests you e-mail me at Make the subject "Tattoo Blog".
Until Next week, have a great photography week!!!


Day 43 & 44 ---------------------------------- Trying out a new Logo today

Day 43 - Ok its another walk photo, and its of me walking HAHA - But you will notice that I am trying out a new logo today. I am not 100% sure how I feel about it. I'm going to keep trying it out for a while and see what happens, I am still going to experiment with it and see if I can get EXACTLY what I want.

Day 44 - We are finalizing a package for some wedding clients, we received the album yesterday and are just waiting on the final prints for the thank you cards and then we will be able to present everything to the clients! Very excited.

Also, I wanted to let anyone know that tomorrow will probably be the last Project 365 for about a week. We are officially on vacation starting today and will be spending a week with my parents, but they do not have the luxury of high speed Internet, so I will be taking photos everyday, probably more than one a day....hehe, but I won't be able to post them, so when we return on Sunday of next week, we will have a HUGE post to share with you. I will post tomorrow though so you will have a little teaser before we are gone!


Day 42 ----------------- I love AMAZON!

I received a shipment from Amazon the other day, Tuesday in fact. I LOVE Amazon, I order so many photography books from there. I order a lot of books because I am mainly self taught, I have only taken one photography class, and that was back when I was in high school, and it was more on developing, (WHICH IS AWESOME) and less on the actual photography technique. My new focus is on composition and lighting, I want to get into studio light eventually, and I could always use more knowledge on composition. Come to think of it, I have done quite a bit of photography shopping recently. I was awarded some points at work that we can redeem for different things, and I went shopping in the book section and purchased 4 more books which were shipped today. I think what is even more special is I bought a NEW LENS off EBay last night. I am wicked excited. Its been a lens that I have been looking at for a while, and I wanted to give Brandi something more to practice with and use for weddings so I found on on EBay which was ending soon, so i watched and watched and watched and finally sent in a stealth bid and WON YAY! So now i have my eye open for another new lens which is the Nikor 105mm lens, I am in a conundrum on that one though because it is quite pricey, but Sigma makes one that is exactly the same but half the price, my only concern is that I have only ever bought Nikon, and I am just worried about quality, but everyone I have talked to enjoys their sigmas, so I think i might get it, and save myself almost $400. Anyway I have babbled enough, here is today's pics, my new books.


Day 40 and 41 -------------------------------- Something different and Something neat

Day 40 - It's pretty much just what the picture says, it's something different. This is the plastic guard on the top of a fence surrounding a baseball field. I think its just there so kids can jump over the fence and not tear their pants, but I could be wrong, its happened before. HA HA Day 41 - I LOVE this picture. We had a little storm in Belfast today. I was hoping to catch some lighting on my lunch break from work, but I didn't get any lighting, what I got was a BEAUTIFUL sky. I don't think the blogger upload does it justice, but it really was nature at it's best. Enjoy.


Day 39 ---------------------------------- New Clothes

Day 39 - This is actually the pile of clothes that we purchased on Friday on our afternoon off, I just got around to taking the tags off and washing them today though, so that's why I took a picture of them, this is pre-wash -he he. Also I got some of my favorite things....ARGYLE SOCKS!!!! i got 4 pairs all different colors, LOVE THEM!


More Pics from today - Me and my girl (and some of just me, and some of just her)

These are all from our trip to Fort Knox today. We decided not to go to the Observatory today, but we will some day soon. It was great to go to the fort, its always awesome to see what life was like before modern conveniences and see how things have lasted the test of time. I haven't been there for quite a long time, and I am glad I went.


Day 37 & 38------------------------------- I'm running out of snappy comments for the title

Day 37 - I know another flower, but I never did actually make Brandi's new orchids an actual project 365 picture. Well this one had a bud on it, so it became day 37.

Day 38 - Brandi and I have been talking about taking some pictures of the two of us for quite a while now. We don't have a lot of pictures of the two of us, mainly because we are usually behind the camera. Today we went to Fort Knox here in Bucksport to take pictures of ourselves and to scope out some possible spots for senior portraits. I think we accomplished both today. Here is a picture of the two of us.


Day 36 ---------------------------------- Fire Department

Day 36 - Today was another day I took my camera on my walk. I wanted to take a picture of something different today. Honestly I resisted the urge to take a picture of another flower. So I walk by the Fire Department everyday and I looked in the window and I saw me looking back. So I snapped a picture and moved on. When I got home and loaded the picture you can hardly see me, I guess its a good thing I wear a red hat because that is really the only thing you can see in the window, but I still think its a good picture regardless.



We are finally happy to share with you a wedding that we recently photographed. Our clients have had the opportunity to view the pictures and we are now able to share them with you.

As a photography company we prefer to allow our clients the ability to view their pictures completely edited before anyone else does. Here is a sampling of the fabulous images we were able to capture on the day of Terri and Stefani's wedding. Enjoy!

A special thank you to the new Mr. and Mrs. Terri Gilman for letting Ryan J. Moore Photography be a part of their special day.


Day 33, 34, 35 --------------------- another update

Day 33 - This is a little abstract, but there is a story behind it, i was having a chocolate donut for breakfast, and i needed a picture so i took on of my donut after i took a bite out of it, but it was a bit hurried, so the picture wasn't the greatest quality so that's why i did a filter on it, i think it turned out rather neat.

Day 34 - This is a sentimental picture for me. There use to be a commercial for Jif Peanut Butter (the best PB in the world) where the mother would carve a heart in the new jar of PB. My mother use to do that after we saw the commercial, and i have done it ever since. So i have taken this picture before, but it never made it to the actual project, well day 34 it makes it.

Day 35 - Today's picture. This is what Jonah looks like right after he wakes up. Needless to say he did not want to go out for a quick walk today - he likes his nappy!


Trip to Union!


Day 32 -------------------------------- Cock-a-doodle-do

I think the picture and the title speaks for itself. Brandi and I spent a great day together. We went to sample some wines at some local-ish wineries. One of them is owned by some friends of ours and they make the best wines. We had a good time sampling and helping out in the winery. We of course came back with our very own box of wine ---- actually we bought so many bottles we needed a box to take them home in. haha. After the winery we went to a local farm stand and they have chickens and roosters all over the place. Well I chased this little rooster all over the place, we crossed the road, then we crossed back, he did his little cock a doodle do and i got some neat pictures. Overall it was a great day. I will post the rest of the pics from today in a bit. But for's picture:


Here are my photoshop lupins.


Day 31 ---------------------------- got lupins?

So I did find a patch of Lupins before work today. I spent a good amount of time in the field taking some pictures, but overall I am still not impressed. I will have to keep looking for the perfect patch, but needless to say, I did get a shot for today's picture, but I also turned some of the other pictures that I wasn't really happy with into some good photoshop pictures, I will post those next. But here is today's!


Day 30 ---------------------------------- A month is over

It has been a whole month. I have done this project everyday for a month. I am quite proud of myself. I have actually accomplished a lot in the last 30 days. I have started a new job, on a schedule I wasn't crazy about to begin with, but I have grown to like it after all. I have gone for a walk everyday for two weeks now, and I feel much better about myself. I have done a lot of things it seems like, and it isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, the only bad thing is I don't get enough time with Brandi. I think today's picture is fitting for this blog, the flag is a symbol of all the changes that this country made at one time. Its the symbol of our freedom, and I am proud to be an American!


Day 29 ------------------------ I read

That's right, I read Cosmo! I think all men should. I have to admit that this wasn't my first photo of the day. I pulled another bone head photographer move today, I went for my usual walk and brought my camera, and went to take a picture, got one shot in and the battery died. So I was excited, I got my picture, and when I got home to check it out, I saw that I had the white-balance wrong, so my pink flowers were blue - yuck. So when I got home, my battery was charged and I was photographing again!! Enjoy. Tomorrow is day 30 - a whole month, I can't believe it.


Day 28 ------------------------------------- A sneek picture!

HAHA, Brandi doesn't know that this is today's picture. She left me this note before work, and I walked into the kitchen this evening and saw it sitting on the counter still, and I snapped a picture of it, cause she's cute, and the note is cute and I love her.


This is what Brandi Thinks today's picture is....

I had planned for this to be today's picture, but when I walked into the kitchen this evening I changed my mind, so look up and you will see today's picture. This picture is of the newest additions to our plant collection. For me, having plants is an amazing feat, I have killed every plant I have ever owned, and honestly I think that my family is full of plant killers too because I can't remember very many live plants in our house growing up. Anyway, I also played around in photoshop with this a little, and I added some texture, just for something different...but anyway - I am posting Project 365's picture next.


Day 24, 25, 26, 27 ----------------------All caught up

Here is day 24 - This was a last minute picture, I was already in bed, and realised that I had not taken a picture today. So I got up, ran to find the camera, gave a big fake smile, and went right back to bed. This pic isn't the best quality, but its the best I could come up with in a pinch.

Day 25 - I don't know what inspired me to do this picture, maybe it's because I started reading Harry Potter again, I usually read the whole series, or as much as I have at least once a year. So now, I am on book 2.

Day 26 - I have an obsession with photographing flowers. I really like the bold pop of color against a background of green. I was looking for some poppies to photograph, and I found one about a week ago, and I took a picture but I wasn't happy with it, so I never published it, but I was walking by the first poppy a couple days ago, and there were 3 or 4 more, so I went back and got this picture! My goals this year were to get a picture of a fiddlehead (which i think i have) and a whole bunch of lupins. The lupins are up, so I just gotta find a good patch of them, if anyone knows a great place where I can find them let me know!

Day 27 - This is for the new dedication I have for walking at least 30 minutes every morning before work. I have been very good with that, it wakes me up, and it gets me some great pictures for the project.

Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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