Day 23 --------------------------------- 'da dog
When we first started this project Brandi said to me, "Everyday is just going to be a picture of the dog." Well here it is, day 23 and I took a picture of the dog. He's going on 5 years old, hes a bullmastiff, and he is exhausted after a very brief walk. I really have enjoyed just setting my camera on the floor or the counter and taking the picture, that is what I did today. I think it really gets a great prospective of the subject. I also have to congratulate myself because I have been shooting all of the project with just one lens. I am pretty proud of myself for that. We have had a lot going on this week personally, and have been doing a lot of thinking about where the business is going to go and where our lives are going to go. We have been through a big change that started Monday, and we are slowly adapting and re-evaluating every step of the way. I have been doing a lot of thinking, Brandi has too. I think we're going to make it. We will always have each other. I am proud of you hunny, and I love you very much.