Day 42 ----------------- I love AMAZON!
I received a shipment from Amazon the other day, Tuesday in fact. I LOVE Amazon, I order so many photography books from there. I order a lot of books because I am mainly self taught, I have only taken one photography class, and that was back when I was in high school, and it was more on developing, (WHICH IS AWESOME) and less on the actual photography technique. My new focus is on composition and lighting, I want to get into studio light eventually, and I could always use more knowledge on composition. Come to think of it, I have done quite a bit of photography shopping recently. I was awarded some points at work that we can redeem for different things, and I went shopping in the book section and purchased 4 more books which were shipped today. I think what is even more special is I bought a NEW LENS off EBay last night. I am wicked excited. Its been a lens that I have been looking at for a while, and I wanted to give Brandi something more to practice with and use for weddings so I found on on EBay which was ending soon, so i watched and watched and watched and finally sent in a stealth bid and WON YAY! So now i have my eye open for another new lens which is the Nikor 105mm lens, I am in a conundrum on that one though because it is quite pricey, but Sigma makes one that is exactly the same but half the price, my only concern is that I have only ever bought Nikon, and I am just worried about quality, but everyone I have talked to enjoys their sigmas, so I think i might get it, and save myself almost $400. Anyway I have babbled enough, here is today's pics, my new books.