Wedding | Marbin & Whitney | Orrington Maine | Picture Perfect

Once the ceremony is over, it's great to finally spend some one on one time with the couple and the bridal party.  Just to give everyone a glimpse into our method of after ceremony portraits ---
We always try to start out with the biggest family portrait possible.
Then we break it down to immediate family - mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.
Once we are done with them - unless they are in the wedding party, we send them off to the reception site.  So now we are left with the Bride & Grooms and the wedding party.  We cover these shots next - we do the traditional shots and some fun shots.  Once that is over, we send the bridal party away - usually to the limo, or another room in the church.  This leaves us with the bride and groom.  We always promote this time to our couple when we meet with them.  We feel this time alone just the four of us, gives the couple a little time to take a deep breath - think we are married, we love each other, this is great.  No one else is around, we try not to get in their face or be too pose-y - we just ask for a little time alone with them.

Then we are off and running to the reception!
So, we did just that with Whitney and Marbin.
And here is what we got!
Ok, so we veered a little.  While people were getting organized, we got a couple with just Whitney and Marbin. Sometimes its nice to pose them so Uncle Joe and Aunt Millie can get some good shots too!
The gents.
Change directions.
The gents
Add a couple ladies
and a little sass
gets you an awesome image!
I love the bridesmaids in this shot set up by Brandi.
The second one in.  She was really into it!
And now comes the time with just us and Whitney and Marbin.
One of my favorite things about this session is when the couple comes up with something on their own.
Whitney came up with this idea to put the veil over her and Marbin.
I think it's a great series!
A quick set up by us, and we just watched what unfolded!
This is one of my favorite series too!
I particularly love it when the other people we work with get into the pictures as well.  Brandi and I were heading to the truck to head off to the reception site, and we hear someone hollering to us.  It was the limo driver.  He had a just married magnet custom fit for the limo - and we got the shot of them putting it on!
We are going to get this party started very soon!!

Aunt Betta –   – (September 12, 2010 at 7:27 AM)  

The absolute beauty and joy of the day can be seen with your photos! Whitney and Marbin - you couldn't have had a more perfect day! Love you lots. Aunt Betta

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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