Day 52, 53, 54, 55 ------------------------- All you strangers out there leave me a comment!

Day 52 - Ok funny story about this picture. We had returned from vacation the day before, and I spent the entire day editing pictures on day 52 and forgot to take a picture for the day. So I went to bed at like 10pm, and after I was done watching TV it was 11:00 and I realised I hadn't taken a picture for the day, so I tried to talk myself into cheating and just take 2 pictures the next day, but I felt SOOOO much guilt that I had to get up and take the picture I wanted too. Anyway - this picture is of our new lens! YAY! I love new lenses, this one is a Nikon 18-135mm and I LOVE IT, its perfect. I love that I can go down to 18mm and its very close to fisheye, which is on my list to buy. Its going to be the perfect portrait lens. The reason I bought this was because I wanted Brandi to have another lens to photograph weddings, and I think she is really going to love it when I actually take it off my camera and let her use it. HEHE Day 53 - I love socks, especially fun brightly colored socks. Previously with my old company before the current company bought us I had to wear a tie everyday so I always had something fun to wear. Well I don't have to wear a tie anymore, so one day I decided that I needed to spice things up and wear cool socks, and these are the red skull socks that I had on for day 53 - LOVE THEM.
Day 54 - This is the neighbor's house. I took a picture on the way by on my morning walk. I don't know who owns this house or who lived here, but no one has been living in it for quite a while. We have often dreamt of buying this house! :)
Day 55 - I am all caught up with pictures! Today's picture is very urban. I have been looking at a lot of engagement pictures that other photographers have taken in some of the Myspace groups I belong too, and the theme seems to be very urban pictures, so that was my inspiration for today. It also amazes me still that I can find a different picture each day during my walk because I pretty much watch the same route every day. Anyway I hope you enjoy. I will try to be better about posting every day again.
On a Final note - LEAVE ME A COMMENT ON ANYTHING. If you read my blog, LEAVE ME A COMMENT, let me know you are here, let me know what you think. I want to hear from you. If you leave me a comment I will leave you a comment.

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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