Day 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 ----------------- Yup - back from vacation!

We're back, and we're sunburned! We had an amazing time at my parents place this past week, we could not of asked for any better weather, we stayed busy all week and it was just wonderful. I honestly felt like I was back on summer vacation back when I was in high school. All I had to do was be on vacation, I didn't worry about work or school or the business. It was great. We also got to spend some great time with my family. It was just amazing, I am so pleased with our vacation. And now its time to share some photos with everyone!

Day 46 - We went on a few moose runs this past week, and we never saw a moose up close to photograph. We did see a snapping turtle though! That is what welcomed us to the great north woods!

Day 47 - This was another Moose adventure, and instead of seeing a moose we saw a beautiful sunset! I am so excited about this one. There was a fog on the river and the sky was perfect, the only thing I would wish for was that this sunset was behind the mountain instead of beside it!

Day 48 - We had a fun day today. My mother bought herself a kayak and then we rented another one so Brandi and I could take them out on the lake while we were at my parents. This was much better then the last time we rented kayaks. Last time we rented a double kayak and I made the mistake of sitting in the front and Brandi was in the back. I did most of the paddling and Brandi sat back and relaxed and I didn't know. That didn't happen this year!Day 49 - How could we not have a vacation with out Jonah? He was so good the whole week, he stayed right around the house (for the most part). He was good with the girls all weekend and he was just soaking up the sun and the love. Day 50 - Today we took a ride to Baxter State Park and took a small hike. It was only 1.6 miles up to Katahdin Falls and then the same back. It was a hard hike though, I was defiantly winded. It was beautiful. We climbed to the top of the falls and sat on the rocks and soaked up the cool breeze. I have been there a couple times and this was Brandi's first time, she had a great time and so did I.

Day 51 - This was my 4th of July picture. This is what I think of when I think of summer. Don't mind my feet, I had an obsession with photographing them this weekend. Anyway it was beautiful out today, and I wanted to share with you the view from my parents. I woke up to this view for years and miss it everyday. AHHHH Summer!

Day 52 - I told you I had an obsession with my feet. Anyway the one above is of summer and so is this. This is another vision of summer for me, the boat. I didn't get a single ride last year, so I made up for it this year and went for 2. I will be planning more trips to town as well to soak up more boat time. Did i mention that I love summer, the boat and my parents place?

I know, I have one more day to share with you, and that would be today. But it is 9:00, and I have just finished editing the pictures from my actual vacation and I have not yet thought of a picture for today. Stay tuned, it might get posted tomorrow or it might get posted tonight.

Elizabeth  – (July 9, 2008 at 5:07 PM)  

I missed your photos too. So glad you are back! I love, love, love that sunset. It's breathtaking. What an amazingly beautiful state we live in!

Yes, I did try the frame thing - not sure it turned out quite the way I wanted, but its was a go at it. I haven't found another photo to try it with since.

It's kinda of fun knowing you come and visit me often ;-)

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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