Day 68, 69, 70 --------------------------I must have been hungry this week!

Day 68 - Another walk picture. This is a great shot from the walking trail along the waterfront in Bucksport. I love living here.
Day 69 - Once I uploaded this picture I wasn't very happy with it, but it was the only picture I had for day 69 so i had to use it. BUT, it is of my favorite M&M's - PEANUT BUTTER!!
Day 70 - Part of my Breakfast - I love the Lots of Pulp kind!!

There has just been so much going on lately it seems that my head is spinning. I mean in the end things are home are great, I love Brandi very much and we have a great time together its just frustrating that we don't get to spend a lot of time together anymore. I work nights and she works days so the only time we see each other during the week is when one of us is sleeping. Tonight we will get to spend a little time together because tonight is my class night. I am able to get out of work early to take my class and then I get home around 8:30 or 9:00 so I get a few minutes with her awake. I can't wait to finish this class and be over with it, this class frustrates me to no end. The professor just pops in a DVD and we watch that for an hour and then we go home, so yes, its great that we get to go home early each night, but we also have to write a paper on the video, and the comment I always seem to get is "tell me something I don't know" well the professor in his laziness does not talk to us so I don't know what he knows and what he doesn't, all I know is that he knows how to push play on the DVD player....big whoop, so I really can't wait until that class is over and I will not be taking his class in the fall if i can help it!

Let's see what else is going on - Brandi and I have been house shopping again. We always casually look for a house to buy and there is one next door (yes it was a Project 365 picture). So I don't know what to think about the recent events. First of all I really like the house and it has a lot of potential, which I love, but I haven't been able to get my parents to come down and see the house to see what I am missing, so we have been trying to arrange that, hopefully it will work this weekend. Anyway, the new spark was the woman that is selling the house called us yesterday to see what our intentions were. So Brandi spoke to her after she gave another couple a third tour of the house and I guess they put in an offer on the house, but she still talked to Brandi like she was waiting for our answer. I just don't know what to think about this development. Plus buying a house is a huge deal! I just don't know! I will of course let everyone know what happens!! Stay tuned.

How about a business update. Things have changed quite a bit for the fall, we have three weddings books right through the end of October which is very exciting because I have some big plans about updating the website and getting some new equipment, but I still have to think of something to do in the winter, there aren't a lot of weddings in the winter, so after October its kind of the wait until may. Anyway - that's my update for the day! Enjoy the pics!!

Elizabeth  – (July 23, 2008 at 11:59 AM)  

Your professor sounds like a doofus to me too! How can you teach by putting in a DVD? I'm come on....

My husband and I also casually house shop. ITs soooo funny to hear the bank tell us we can get a loan for $X and we know darn well we can't make payment for that amount. It's no wonder so many houses are getting foreclosed on.

On a complete side note....I TOO LOVE PB M&M's! My favorite way to eat them is to leave them on the dash board for a couple of hours when its warm out and then eat them. It takes just a slight push of the tongue against the roof of your mouth and they explode peanut butter! Yum-mee!

Brandi Stevenson  – (July 23, 2008 at 6:54 PM)  

yeah that's right big boy, we dont buy that wimpy OJ!

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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