Stuff That Makes Us Happy | After Work Snack

Nothing like a little Stuff That Makes Us Happy blog to brighten up a Thursday.
Can't think of a better way.

So, you know after you get home for work - after a long, sometimes crappy day - and you just want a snack.
Well let me introduce you to our new guilty pleasure.
Jack's Salsa - you can find it in the deli case at your local Hannaford (if you are from Maine)
Now, I have a confession - I do not like anything hot and spicy.  Can't handle it.
As my grandmother would say "It's too Hot - It makes me Sweat!"
It does.  What can I say?

So - we located a salsa that does not - at least the mild version.
Not spicy at all (but the medium is - the hot would kill me).
Fresh - clean - yummy!
Check it out.
Get some.
And some chips too.
Can't go wrong with chips.
Tostitos Scoops - OR my other favorite the Blue Corn Chips!!!

Go to Hannaford, right now.
Get some.
You will love it!
I promise.
And - don't worry - we have a great wedding blog series coming up soon!
You are going to love it!!

Meredith  – (August 19, 2010 at 3:48 PM)  

Mmmm! Chips & salsa makes everything better. It's definitely my go-to snack!

Alison Douglass  – (August 20, 2010 at 7:45 AM)  

Ah, remind me to make you guys some of my mango salsa next time I see you- it is highly addictive and not spicy at all. Goes perfect with baked scoops:)

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Life is not a race, but indeed a journey. Be honest. Work hard. Be choosy. Say 'Thank you', 'I love you', and 'Great job' to someone each day. Let your handshake mean more than pen and paper. Dreaming does matter. It allows you to become that which you aspire to. Appreciate the little things in life and enjoy them. Some of the best things really are free. Take time for yourself - plan for longivity.

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